National Parks of Central, South America
Arenal.net — This site introduces you to the Arenal Volcano National Park in Costa Rica. It shows great images of the famous volcano’s eruption, as well as the history of the volcano. It also gives you a description of how volcanoes work, which is something different, as well as links to hotels and transportation sites near the park.
Riodulce.net — This site shows you the beautiful reserve that is the Rio Dulce in Guatemala. The reserve includes historical Mayan ruins and paths that conquerors were supposed to have walked.
Coppercanyoninsider.com — The Copper Canyon region is one close to home, located in the Northwest part of Mexico the park is home to 20 red, beautiful canyons. Copper Canyon Insider provides some of the most detailed descriptions of the many attractions that the Copper Canyon National Park holds.
Losglaciares.com — The Los Glaciares National Park is the second largest is Argentina and is home to some of the most beautiful mountains of the Andes. Losglaciares.com provides beautiful photos of the park that was named “World Heritage” in 1981 as well as descriptions of some of the best summits within the park.
Galapagos.org — The Galapagos Conservancy site introduces you to an organization, based out of the U.S., dedicated to preserving the “ecological integrity” of the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos are located off the coast of Ecuador and are home to some of the most exotic animal and plant species in the world. The site provides plenty of educational info about the islands and allows visitors to help their cause by donating or even “adopting and animal.”
Unique-national-parks.com — Unique National Parks is and extremely educational website that teaches you about some of the most well-known and extraordinary national parks across the globe. It is a convenient site because of it has condensed the best of the best all in one place and it include detailed info on some South and Central American wonders like the Tikal National Park in Guatemala and the Manuel Antonio Park in Costa Rica.
Palenquepark.com — Move a south of Copper Canyon in Northern Mexico and you reach Palenque Park in Chipas, Mexico. Palenque Park is one of the small on this list, but it is filled with archeological treasures. The site’s history of the park is very helpful and a great go-to for info about a lesser known national park.
Torresdelpaine.com — The Torres Del Paine National Park is located in Chile and houses one of the most beautiful mountain regions in the world, the Cordillera del Paine. The site shows plenty of amenities in the area as well as a small library of maps that would come in handy in such a mountainous and at times dangerous area of the world.
Manu-wildlife-center.com — When you think of South American national parks you most likely picture the Amazon Rainforest, the largest tropical forest in the world. The Manu Wildlife Center provides information on one of the most diverse parts of the Amazon, the Manu area in Manu, Peru. The park is enormous spanning over three million acres of forestry.
Unep.org — The United National Environment Programme is dedicated to “encourage partnership in caring for the environment.” UNEP covers the globe, with offices in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and West Asia.
Nature.org — The Nature Conservancy is a charity that works worldwide and specifies in protecting the earth’s most rare region, like national parks. The Nature Conservancy works heavily with preserving water in Central and South America including countries like Panama, Belize, Brazil, and Bolivia.
Tikalpark.com — Tikal Park, in Guatemala, is located in the Peten Basin region and holds one of the largest areas of Mayan ruins that still remain. The national park was excavated between 1956 and 1969 and the site gives an in-depth look at the history and environmental beauty it still holds today.
Chaco.com — The Chaco National Historical Park is located in Argentina and holds some of the most preserved Native American history in the world. The Chaco site immerses you in the culture of the Anasazi Indians, the natives of the area and makes you feel like you lived in their vivid time period.
Parkswatch.org — The Parks Watch site is designed to give you a brief look at all of the national parks in Central and South America. They provide park evaluations and profiles as well as the latest news clips and video of what’s going on in these sites.
Pantanal.org — The Pantanal is a wetland delta that spans borders including those of Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. The Water land Research Institute site focuses on bringing people knowledge and awareness to one of the most important recourses of the Americas.
Unesco.org — UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. It provides info on everything from worldwide slave routes to flood response in Pakistan. Their Natural Sciences link however provides immense amount of info on recent news in the national park world as well as outlets that will allow you to help the parks’ causes.
Amazonia.org — This site allows you to look at the famous Amazon rainforest as a whole or broken down into its specific reserves. It focuses on the Rio Jauaperi reserve and its biodiversity.
Amazonia.net — The Institute for environmental Security is a predominantly European based non-profit organization that focuses on environmental preservation. They work in the South American Amazon as well as regions in African and Indonesia.
Nationalparks-worldwide.info — The National Parks Worldwide site provides brief info and overview of national parks across the globe. The site is convenient and easy to use with the ability to break down the search by region, country, or park name.
Trekking.net — This is a great site for anyone interested in hiking and mountain climbing. The site includes specific trek itineraries as well as the best parks to do outdoor activities like canoeing or mountain biking. The site includes destinations in the Andes and Torres Del Paine region.
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